Corporate Compliance
Toomey Residential and Community Services remains committed to promoting honesty, and conducting its affairs with integrity and based on sound ethical and moral standards.
The role of the Corporate Compliance Department is to build an effective Corporate Compliance Program and Culture of Compliance. Our program is designed to prevent, detect and respond to violations, and includes:
Policies and procedures, in adherence to 18 NYCRR 521 and HIPAA Privacy, Security and Breach Notifications Rules
- A designated compliance officer
- A corporate compliance committee
- Training and education for employees, volunteers and board members
- Open communication, including methods for anonymous and confidential reporting
- An investigation process and disciplinary policy
- Internal monitoring and auditing to identify risk areas
Toomey Residential and Community Services’ Corporate Compliance Plan and associated policies apply to all Affected Individuals. Affected Individuals as defined by the Office of Medicaid Inspector General are: All persons who are affected by the provider’s risk areas, including employees, the chief executive and other senior administrators, managers, contractors, agents, subcontractors, independent contractors, and governing body and corporate officers.
Related Policies
- Notice of Privacy Practices (1/1/15)
- Whistleblower Protections and Non-Retaliation Policy
- False Claims Act (12/18/2023)
- Standards of Conduct Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Conflict of Interest Statement
Reporting Compliance Concerns
Wisdom is knowing what path to take next...Integrity is taking it.
Employees of Toomey are strongly encouraged to take action when they witness or suspect ethical or policy violations. Employees may (1) share their concerns with a supervisor, the executive director or the compliance officer, (2) call the corporate compliance hotline or (3) fill out the online reporting form. All submissions will be handled confidentially and anonymous reports will be accepted. Toomey has a strict policy against retaliation for anyone who reports concerns in good faith.
Corporate Compliance Hotline
(866) 460-2024
24 hours a day. Toll Free. Confidential. Anonymous.
Online Reporting Form
Incident Reporting
Toomey Residential and Community Services is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of the individuals we serve and to ensure safeguards are developed to keep people safe from harm.
Effective June 30, 2013, Mandated Reporters have new legal duties under the New York State Protection of People with Special Needs Act to report Abuse, Neglect, and Significant Incidents involving vulnerable persons to the New York State Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs’ Vulnerable Persons' Central Register (VPCR), a 24/7 hotline: (855) 373-2122. Mandated Reporters must continue to call the New York's Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment at (800) 635-1522 if they have reasonable cause to suspect abuse or maltreatment of children.
Related Policies
- Toomey Residential and Community Services – OPWDD Incident Management and Review Policy (10/15/14)
More information
- Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs
- Mandated Reporting pdf
- Code of Conduct for Custodians of People with Special Needs (2/21)
- What to Expect if You are Involved in a Justice Center Investigation (10/21)
- Learning About Incidents
- Justice Center Reporting and Investigations: Guidance for Individuals and Families (3/2/15)
- Client Rights
Compliance & Ethics Week
We celebrate Compliance & Ethics Week as a way to thank our employees and promote a Culture of Compliance. We host a number of events, giveaways, and contests and all employees and programs are encouraged to participate.
Kimmy Radell
Corporate Compliance Officer
1654 West Onondaga Street
Syracuse, NY 13204
(315) 362-7642
Tyler Ladd
Compliance Incident Management Manager
1654 West Onondaga Street
Syracuse, NY 13204
(315) 362-7630
Sumyin Lau
Compliance Manager
1654 West Onondaga Street
Syracuse, NY 13204
(315) 362-7016
Ashley Shumpert
Compliance Training and Education Manager
1654 West Onondaga Street
Syracuse, NY 13204
(315) 362-7023